Breaker International is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


We need your help in creating awareness about our cause.  If you enjoy social media, crowdfunding, creating print and digital promotional materials, grant writing, and more . . . WE NEED YOU!

Every child we touch has a story.  A child imprisoned with their parent.  Parents lost to AIDS.  The child of a subsistence farmer whose crop failed.  A special needs child overcoming physical challenges. Behind every beautiful face we serve is a story.  Our heart is to help them write a new story.  A story filled with hope and the love of God that launches them into their destiny.  With your help, we are writing new stories every day.  A child equipped for a bright future through the gift of education.  A child that receives nourishing food and medical care to help them grow in health.  A child overcoming a disability.  Thank you for helping us write the stories that shape the lives of nation changers.  We're changing nations one child at a time!

What's the story?

Recent Programs

Compassion in action!  Take a look and see what we are up to!

​Breaker International 

Melissa Morrison